Having a smartphone gives you easy access to the web, but at the same time, it often results in hefty bills as well. Why does this happen so frequently? Simply because we’re too engrossed streaming videos from YouTube, downloading ebooks and etc – so much so that we forget that our data usage are actually capped by our carrier. To prevent this from happening once again, I will be teaching you guys how to set data limit on your Android devices.
- First and foremost, head down to Settings > Wireless and Networks > Data Usage.
Once done, you should see something similar to the screenshot above.
- Next, set the data usage cycle on the graph by dragging the white lines either to the left or right. If you’re billed every 6th of the month, then you should set your data cycle to something like Nov 6th – Dec 6th, Dec 6th to Jan 6th and so on.
- We will then proceed to setting data limit on your device. This can be done by dragging the red line up or down. Let’s say your mobile contract comes with 2GB data usage every month, then you should drag the red line to a level equivalent to 2GB on the graph to prevent further usage once it hits the limit.
- Similarly, you can also set the green line to a level equivalent to 1.8GB so that it can notify you that you’re nearing to the 2GB cap for your data usage.
- Finally, check on the Set Mobile Data Limit checkbox.
That’s all you have to do to prevent yourself from exceeding your data usage for the next month! If you encounter any problem, please feel free to comment below the post.