Realme recently confirmed that it will unveil the Realme Neo 7 SE smartphone in February in China. The device is also confirmed to feature the Dimensity 8400-Max chipset. However, nothing else is known about the device. In a new development, the device, which bears the RMX5080 model number has appeared in the database of China’s TENAA certification platform. The certification has revealed the images and the battery size (rated value) of the device. Additionally, tipster Digital Chat Station has released a Weibo post to share more details about the smartphone.
Realme Neo 7 SE design revealed
The above images show that the Realme Neo 7 SE will have a flat OLED screen on the front. It will have edges and a squarish camera module on the back. It features a dual-camera setup and an LED flash unit. The certification has also revealed that it houses a 6,850mAh rated value battery. Unfortunately, other specs are not yet available in the TENAA listing.
Realme Neo 7 SE specifications (rumored)
As per a Weibo post released by tipster Digital Chat Station, the Neo 7 SE will have a flat OLED screen that offers a 1.5K resolution and a short-focus optical in-screen fingerprint sensor. It is expected to run on Realme UI 6-based Android 15.
The Relme Neo 7 SE will be equipped with a plastic frame and pack a 7,000mAh battery, which will have support for 80W fast charging. For photography, it will have a Sony IMX882 50-megapixel primary camera.
The rest of the specifications of the Realme Neo 7 SE are under wraps. It is speculated that the said device may get rebranded as the Realme GT 7T in markets outside of China.