Xiaomi unveiled the Xiaomi 15 and 15 Pro, equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Elite chip, in October 2024. Next month (February), the brand may unveil the Xiaomi 15 Ultra equipped with the same chip. In 2022, Xiaomi launched the 12S series in China, which comprised of the Xiaomi 122S, 12S Pro, and 12S Ultra. Since then, the brand hasn’t launched an S-series flagship. A new leak, which corroborates previously leaked details, reveals that the Xiaomi 15S Pro is expected to launch in a couple of months in China.
Xiaomi 15S Pro: What to expect?
According to tipster Experience More, the Xiaomi 15S Pro will break cover in April 2025. Although the precise specifications remain unknown, rumors suggest that it represents a minor improvement over the Xiaomi 15 Pro.
To recall, the Xiaomi 12S Pro, which debuted around six months after the Xiaomi 12 Pro, were nearly identical phones. The 12 Pro featured the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, whereas the 12S Pro came with the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 onboard. Therefore, it is likely that the Xiaomi 15 Pro and 15S Pro are identical phones, with the main difference being in the chipset department.
The Xiaomi 15 Pro debuted as the world’s first Snapdragon 8 Elite-powered smartphone. The Snapdragon 8 Elite Leading Version SoC, an overclocked version of the existing chip, is likely to equip the Xiaomi 15S Pro. The rest of the specs could be identical on both phones.
At present, there is no clarity on whether Xiaomi has plans to launch the updated Xiaomi 15S alongside the Pro version. Hopefully, upcoming reports will shed more light on the Xiaomi 15S series.